NFH Childcare Centre


If a family would like to enrol their child in our Centre, a $50 non-refundable enrolment fee will be charged.

Minimum of 3 days enrolment.

Minimum of 3 days enrolment.

Minimum of 3 days enrolment. Please contact our service for fees and more information
Enquiry now for Fees

Between 12 months to 5 years

From 12 months to 5 years

Minimum of 3 days enrolment. Please contact our service for fees and more information
Enquiry now for Fees

Casual Rates Available

Casual Rate

If you have enrolled your child for the minimum 3 days and require an additional day, casual rate will apply.
Enquiry now for Fees

What's included in our Fees

Our Centre is an approved childcare service and is linked with the Families Assistance Office where eligible families can apply for fee assistance. Fee assistance is approved for eligible families to assist with the cost of childcare. Families using approved childcare services are able to choose to receive their Childcare Benefit through fee reductions or as a lump sum payment after the Australian Taxation office has processed their tax returns. Please check with Centrelink to see if you entitled to childcare rebate and childcare benefit. *Parent levy covers the admin and Child Care Management System fee for the Centre.
Our fees include:
  • Education and Developmental Programs
  • Bedding
  • Bibs
  • Wipes
  • Suncream
  • Nappies
  • Water bottle
  • Morning Tea
  • Lunch – provided by families, usually a cultural meal or your child’s favourite food
  • Afternoon tea


Documents Required for Enrolment

We welcome families to organise a visit to our Centre to view the environment and meet our educators. Families who would like to enrol their child will need to contact our Centre to speak with the Director. The Director will then arrange a meet and greet visit, to provide families a tour of our Centre and discuss their care requirements.

If you wish to enrol your child in our Centre, you will be required to bring the following documents with you:

  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Child’s current immunisation record
  • Parent and child’s Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

Waiting List

We don’t have a waiting list as we are unable to hold spaces for your child due to the size of our Centre. Please contact the Centre if you would like to enquire about enroling your child in the future.


During orientation, we will go through the enrolment process, our centre’s procedures and programs and your child’s first day. Prior to your child commencing in the service, we request parents to arrange 2 pre-visits with your child for up to 2 hours, to assist your child to feel more comfortable and familiar with the environment, educators and other children.

FAQ - For Parents

The Child Care Subsidy is the main way the Government assists families with their child care fees.

The Child Care Subsidy that commenced on 2 July 2018:

  • replaced the Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) with a single, means-tested subsidy
  • is generally paid directly to child care providers to be passed on to families
  • is simpler than the previous multi-payment system
    is better targeted and provides more assistance to low and middle income families.

For more information, please visit: Department of Human Services – Child Care Subsidy 

At enrolment, we will supply you with our bank details so that you can set up a scheduled bank transfer. This option is free and allows flexibility parents to manage payments amounts.

On the first day of care, we require parents to bring the following items:
  • Milk bottle
  • Formula
  • Hat
  • Spare change of clothes
  • Child’s comforter
  • Medication (if required by your child)

Please keep your child at home if they are feeling unwell to minimise the spread of infectious illness. You will need to call our service to let us know of your child’s absence. You will also be required verify the absent day when you next attend and sign in at the kiosk.

Fees are still payable for Absent days and must be signed for on the attendance sheet. Families are entitled to 42 allowable absences per child per financial year, granted by Centrelink. For more information, please visit: Department of Human Services – Child Care Subsidy 

Parents are still required to pay for their child’s fees on a Public holidays. If your child’s scheduled day falls on a public holiday, it will be picked up automatically through our sign in/out Kiosk.

Cessation of Care is the process of ending or being brought to an end, the care of the child from our service. This is normally the last physical date of attendance. It is important to note that CCS will not be paid for absences before the child’s first physical day of attendance or for absences after the child’s last physical day of attendance.

For more information, please visit: Department of Human Services – Child Care Subsidy 

You can contact the Centre during operational hours which are Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. The Centre is not contactable on weekends. If you have an enquiry, please use our Contact Us form.


Contact us today to book a tour of our Centre and enrol your child today. We look forward to hearing from you!